4 Steps to More Pre-Orders Book Sales?

book marketing Jul 19, 2020

Should Your Book be Available for Pre-Ordering? 

(If you need help in setting up a Pre-Order Link- Go to Soar2SuccessPublishing.com/blog/Pre-Order-Links

In a word? ABSOLUTELY! 

From the first announcement-  "I'm writing a book!" those who love you, like you, and/or follow you will want the opportunity to pre-purchase that book you are working on. 

To generate EVEN MORE interest in your book writing process:

INVITE INPUT!  When you increase the opportunities for participation, the participants will feel invested in YOUR outcome, and are more likely to pre-purchase your new book.

Not sure on a finalized TITLE?  Post 3 options on social media or send in a Newsletter by number (1,2,3) or Letter (A, B, C).  make it EASY for someone to quickly participate.   At the bottom of the post or as the first comment add in a LINK for pre-ordering your book! 

Deciding between COVER OPTIONS?  This is another opportunity to create engagement.  Show your options-  but again- make it EASY for your participants by inserting the images into a document or slide with the option #'s so they can quickly participate?  

Here is an example of cover options of our authors:  Dr Carolyn Goerner and how as her Publisher we provided options for her to easily post online for input: 


Note:  Dr. Goerner chose #2

Create surveys for your CONTENT!  Use Google Forms (FREE- my favorite!) or SurveyMonkey.com, Qualtrics.com or Surveygizmo.com to aggregate the results to provide quotes and create your own research data? 

RECORD YOUR PROGRESS!   Let everyone know where you are at throughout the process.  Ideas of what you can post:

  • So excited to have signed my Publishing Agreement with @Publisher
  • Finalized my COVER (post image)
  • Just turned in my manuscript to my Publisher (YAY!) 
  • Reviewing the edits to my new/next book
  • Approved the edits to my new/next book
  • Release date SET -don't wait- pre-order NOW!
  • Interior design and layout of my new book is here- want a sneak peek? (Post a screen shot of a designed page you're particularly proud of)
  • Approved to send to the printer

Here is a Facebook post from one of our authors, Nancy Little, who has done a GREAT job sharing every step of her publishing journey (and receiving pre-orders along the way): 

Are you getting the idea?  So many steps- so many opportunities to post along the way, each with a LINK to pre-order your new or next book.

GET REVIEWS/TESTIMONIALS!   A great time to get a review is when you have the final edited and proof-read manuscript.  

Send a PDF review edition out and ask for testimonials.  These can be posted on social media, or layered over an image for Instagram. Make it EVEN EASIER by writing a sample testimonial and sending it with your request. 

INCENTIVIZE!   Everyone LOVES a DEAL! Give them a reason to order NOW!

What can you offer to sweeten the pre-order option? 

  • Autographed edition!
  • Free shipping & "I'll pay your Sales Tax"
  • A bonus download 
  • A bonus webinar
  • A pass or coupon code to an online course

What ideas do YOU have to increase orders of book prior to launch?  Comment Below! 


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